Friends With Benefits Relationships - The Upsides and Downsides

If you're considering a relationship with friends with benefits, understanding both the upsides and downs is essential. Friends with Benefits (FWB) is an arrangement where two people engage in sexual activity without commitment or emotional attachment.
What Does “Friends With Benefits” Mean?
- The Best Friends - Your close buddy becomes your “benefits” buddy, giving you the best of both worlds.
- The Backup Plan - You may not be each other’s first choice, but when you’re both single, it’s nice to have someone to spend the night with.
- The Booty Call Buddy - Not close friends, but there’s enough attraction for a late-night “You up?” text.
- The Unexpected Friendship - You hook up first and then become friends—like starting a story in the middle.
- When Less Becomes More - Casual fun can turn into something deeper, like a test drive before committing.
In any scenario, honesty, self-awareness, and humour are essential. FWB is all about having fun while clearly understanding your expectations—even if that means sometimes ending the night alone.
The Pros and Cons of Friends With Benefits Relationships
- No Strings Attached (in theory): Enjoy the excitement of physical intimacy without the commitment of a romantic relationship.
- Comfort and Trust: Being with someone you already know can create a sense of safety and comfort.
- Flexibility: Depending on your arrangement, you might have the freedom to explore other connections while still having your FWB to meet your physical needs.
- Stress-Free Fun: Experience many benefits of dating without the pressures that come with traditional relationships.
- Emotional Complications: You may develop feelings that your friend doesn’t share or find yourself on the receiving end of unrequited love.
- Potential Loss of Friendship: If the situation doesn’t work out, you risk losing a valuable friend.
- Jealousy and Misunderstandings: While you can promise not to get jealous, it can be challenging to stay detached when you’re regularly intimate.
- Social Stigma: If friends or family who don’t understand FWB dynamics discover your arrangement, you might face judgment.
8 Simple Rules for a Successful Friends-With-Benefits Relationship
1. Set Clear Boundaries
Talk about what’s okay and what’s not. Maybe no sleepovers or public outings. Knowing the rules will help keep things from getting complicated.
2. Talk About Exclusivity
Decide if you’ll see other people or just each other. Whatever you choose, stick to it. Even if they’re not your long-term partner, they deserve respect.
3. Leave Expectations Behind
Focus on fun and intimacy, not on romantic fantasies. If you think about a future together, you might end up feeling hurt.
4. Prioritize Safety
Always practice safe sex. Use condoms and get regular STI tests to keep both of you healthy.
5. Avoid Dating Behaviors
If you want to keep it casual, try not to do things that feel like dating, such as cuddling or romantic outings.
6. Be Ready for Jealousy
Feelings can sneak up on you. If you or your friend start feeling jealous, it might be a good idea to talk about it openly.
7. Skip the “L” Word
Avoid saying, "I love you." Those three words can quickly turn things from casual to complicated.
8. Be Prepared for It to End
Most FWB relationships don’t last long. They often fade away or end suddenly if one person starts seeing someone seriously. Remember, they’re not meant to be your forever partner, just someone to enjoy right now.